
Showing posts from 2016

This damn thing called running. Me against the Marathon.

Know that it took me so long to write about this marathon because I’m still up a bit on Cloud no. 9 so to say. It falls into the “holy shit you did it” category. I mean, you literally friggin’ did it! I’ve waited for this damn marathon for 4 months. Not only that I’ve waited for it, but I’ve worked for it after at some point I had actually decided to postpone it for next year. And now that it finally happened, it kind of went by too fast, you know what I mean? Of course if you had asked me at like mile 25, I’d have said something completely different, but as we say here, “after the war lots of brave men make an appearance” so move aside people, I’m about to boast! Let’s see now. I’ve been running for pretty much 1 year and 5 months. Meanwhile I’ve broken some, I’ve repaired some, I learnt some more, I improved overall. It’s hard. It’s hard because I always want more, but the time that I can allow for training and the discipline necessary when it comes to sleeping, reco...

Alergatul, bata-l vina. Eu si Maratonul.

Sa stiti ca mi-a luat atat sa scriu despre maratonul asta pentru ca sunt inca un pic pe un cloud no. 9 sa zic asa. Din categoria, sa mori tu ca l-ai facut. Adica chiar l-ai facut?  Am asteptat nenorocirea asta de maraton de 4 luni. Nu numai ca l-am asteptat, dar l-am si muncit, dupa ce la un moment dat eram la un pas sa il aman pentru la anul. Si acum ca s-a intamplat, parca s-a intamplat prea repede stiti ce spun? Bine daca ma intrebati pe la km 38 cred ca aveam alte pareri, dar dupa razboi multi viteji s-arata, asa ca dati-va la o parte ca-s cu pieptul in fata!!! Sa vedem. Alerg de fix un an si vreo 5 luni. In timpul asta am stricat si am reparat niste chestii, am aflat niste lucruri, am evoluat in altele, m-am imbunatatit overall. E greu. E greu pentru ca vreau mai mult, dar timpul pentru antrenamente si disciplina in multe de la somn, recuperare si nutrititie sunt greu de obtinut cand lucrezi 9 ore pe zi si pierzi cam 2 in trafic. E greu sa fi atlet corporatist (ce-a...