Weight. Weights. And My Body Syndrom.

Alrighty. Wassup my People of the Journal? Has winter treated you kindly? I am so not into this season, like you wouldn’t believe it. Too many layers of clothing, too little sunlight, too many chances to catch a cold and be miserable for weeks. Perhaps it’s because I was born in summer. Then again fall is my favorite season. A combination of summer and upcoming winter, without the snow. Perfect combo of two. Well, adding to the dislikes of winter, I always gain a bit more weight now. Some would say it’s normal because the body stores in more to keep you warm. I guess partially is true. And also, partially is because we eat more “piggishly” during the holidays and every ounce added to our cute asses takes double the time to get rid of. And this is exactly the reason behind this blog. Why do we get rid of fat? Why do we do sports? Why do we fight for and against our bodies? We all have our reasons for sure. I assume the primary reason is because we want to get thinne...